MDE Classic Cars & Parts

The Eucon data service for vehicles older than 10 years – with access to
spare parts, technical information and more!

Looking for a valid database for classic vehicles?

Your challenge


You cannot clearly identify older vehicles, classic and vintage cars
➩ Lack of historical models and lack of granularity in existing databases


You cannot clearly assign spare parts for your classic vehicle or cannot find suppliers
➩ Low reliability of information and lack of transparency, e.g. on parts availability and prices


Vehicle and parts research is time-consuming and cost-intensive and often does not lead to the desired results
➩ No easy-to-use platform solution with all relevant information


Data service for vehicles older than 10 years

Our solution: MDE Classic Cars & Parts

  • More than 75,000 vehicle models older than 10 years (everyday vehicles, classic & vintage cars) – including information on spare parts, replacements, suitable alternatives and their availability.

  • Wide range of data including technical data, parts prices/availability, repair information and press articles

  • Optional value-added modules such as vehicle management and closed marketplaces for your network
  • Access to a large partner network ranging from associations and clubs to parts manufacturers

  • Everything can be queried online using simple tools or integrated into your existing solutions

Use cases by area of application

Your benefits

How MDE Classic Cars & Parts benefits
vehicle owner and vehicle clubs:

Learn more about your car – all vehicle master data of your classic vehicle in detail as well as an overview of suitable spare parts

How MDE Classic Cars & Parts benefits
brand-affiliated and independent workshops:

Simplify repair processes and provide transparent information – parts data for classic vehicles (e.g. OE, IAM, used parts) and vehicle master data (incl. color and tire data)

How MDE Classic Cars & Parts benefits
appraisers and insurers:

Increase the quality of your expert opinions and valuations – expertise support in the preparation of appraisals. Support in finding the right tariff for classic vehicles

How MDE Classic Cars & Parts benefits
vehicle and parts manufacturers incl. post producer:

Leveraging market potential & portfolio management – understanding the market, the participants, and making parts comprehensively accessible to the market

Feel free to contact us for a consultation!

Are you interested in our data service solutions for vehicles over 10 years old?
Send us a message and simply request more information.

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Data protection
For more information about the processing and storage of your personal data, as well as your rights, please refer to our privacy policy.